Ironjawz: Killer Combos 2021
Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh Let's see what kind of shenanigans we can get into with Ironjawz and the new Orruk Warclans book when we try to kit out our Heroes. Megaboss on Mawkrusha w/Amulet of Destiny and Battle Lust - Let's start off by saying I think that at least 1 Megaboss on Mawkrusha is a must include , as much as I hate to say "must include" . But he's still an absolute missile. I want two things out of my Mawkrusha, the first is to krump things and the second is the survive. The artefact takes care of the latter while the command trait takes care of the former. Is there anything worse than a Mawkrusha who is out of position? Just sitting there near the edge of the board, nothing left to kill and having to hobble for a turn or two to get to the closest scrap? Not anymore! Battle Lust lets your general re-roll runs and charge rolls, that gets you in the fight fast or on the objective. In lieu of taking Battle Lust for something else, you could take the ...