Kruleboyz: Good & Bad 2021
Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh GOOD: Gutrippaz - I'll admit it, I was orginially really skeptical on these guys. Worse Spider Riders but cool sculpts. I'm used to orruks being good in a straight up fight and that was my short coming. If you play your Kruleboyz like you play your Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz you're gonna have a bad time. These new boyz need to be played like Skaven or like... some smaller green ball of hatred... Like Moonclan. Each block of Gutrippaz needs their support unit. Let's repeat that for the people in the back.... I know you're there. EACH BLOCK OF GUTRIPPAZ NEED THEIR SUPPORT UNIT! These aren't Ardboyz, or Morboyz or Gore-Gruntas, they aren't gonna stick around and slug it out. They need their Swampcalla Shaman and their Killaboss to carry them through. Saying that, you could really stick any Hero with a unit of Gutrippaz and the boyz instantly become better . BAD: Command Traits - What kind of half-baked garbag...