
Kruleboyz: Killer Combo 2021

   Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh Oh I do love some good old fashioned Hero-hammer. Nothing like taking your tabletop avatar and smashing it into your opponent's avatar and seeing the epic struggle commence. It reminds me of my childhood... and my adulthood of watching Dragonball Z and watching those epic fights on the edge of my seat. Ahhhh... good times. Let's skip the obvious Sludgeraker Beast + Swampcalla Shaman and get into something janky. "Da Choppy-Boy" Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof  Mount Trait: Fast Un Command Trait: Battle Lust Artefact: Vial of Manticore Venom A 170 point investment on a non-flying assassin. Put Fast Un mount trait on the naked mole-rat, take the Battle Lust command ability and the Vial of Manticore Venom . With that you can Move 20" in the first movement phase and then charge a missile unit or a support unit, making it almost a certainty with the re-roll that you made the charge for the +1 to hit on the Gnashtoof's fangs due to the ...

Kruleboyz: Good & Bad 2021

  Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh GOOD: Gutrippaz -  I'll admit it, I was orginially really skeptical on these guys. Worse Spider Riders but cool sculpts. I'm used to orruks being good in a straight up fight and that was my short coming. If you play your Kruleboyz like you play your Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz you're gonna have a bad time.  These new boyz need to be played like Skaven or like... some smaller green ball of hatred... Like Moonclan. Each block of Gutrippaz needs their support unit. Let's repeat that for the people in the back.... I know you're there.  EACH BLOCK OF GUTRIPPAZ NEED THEIR SUPPORT UNIT!  These aren't Ardboyz, or Morboyz or Gore-Gruntas, they aren't gonna stick around and slug it out. They need their Swampcalla Shaman and their Killaboss to carry them through. Saying that, you could really stick any Hero with a unit of Gutrippaz and the boyz instantly become better .  BAD: Command Traits  -  What kind of half-baked garbag...

Ironjawz: Megaboss Focus 2021

  Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh Ah, the humble Megaboss. The Megaboss is the epitome of the bestial fury and GorkaMorka's divine vessel on the battlefield. Powered by brutality, a degree of low cunning and of-course an un-safe amount of Waaagh! Energy this maniac wreaks havoc in every battle he joins. But should you take him in your horde? Dis 'ere iz Kaptn Krunch 'n he does two fings!  Smashin' (and sometimes Bashin') 'n  Lootin'!.  The Warscroll Well this guy certainly got A LOT better from AoS 2.0 to 3.0. From a Matched Play point of view, the Megaboss dropped from 20 points 160 points to 140 points. I DID NOT see that coming. At 160 points he was worth the investment and at 140 pts he is definitely in all of my 1000 point lists and many of my 2000 pts All Brutes lists. OLD NEW A 33% increase in raw damage is FANTASTIC . And CHEAPER ?!  Gone is the  Go on Ladz Get Stuck In! command ability and that has been replaced with the universal command ability of A...

Ironjawz: Killer Combos 2021

Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh Let's see what kind of shenanigans we can get into with Ironjawz and the new Orruk Warclans book when we try to kit out our Heroes.  Megaboss on Mawkrusha w/Amulet of Destiny and Battle Lust - Let's start off by saying I think that at least 1 Megaboss on Mawkrusha is a must include , as much as I hate to say "must include" . But he's still an absolute missile. I want two things out of my Mawkrusha, the first is to krump things and the second is the survive. The artefact takes care of the latter while the command trait takes care of the former. Is there anything worse than a Mawkrusha who is out of position? Just sitting there near the edge of the board, nothing left to kill and having to hobble for a turn or two to get to the closest scrap? Not anymore! Battle Lust lets your general re-roll runs and  charge rolls, that gets you in the fight fast or on the objective. In lieu of taking Battle Lust for something else, you could take the ...

Ironjawz: Good & Bad 2021

    Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh GOOD: Brutes -  I've always touted Brutes. Always, just look back to my article back in 2019   Chaos Spawn Wargaming - GHB19 Brutes . They served me well at NoVa Open and they will continue to do so. That's a great feeling though, isn't it, the unit that symbolizes the faction, huge hulking orruk warriors ready to through down are getting some love. The unit itself took at 10 pt increase, which is fine. 160 is probably their sweet spot. The main changes to the Brutes are that the Jagged Gore-Hacka (the 2" range polearm) got a small rend boost from -1 Rend to -2. That's a 22% difference in converting wounds over onto 4+ Save models. The ever-present Gore-Choppa also got a boost to -2 Rend.  The real question is, " Can 10 Brutes with Jagged Gore-Hackas kill Archaon ? " And that answer is YES , with Duff Up da Big Thing and Violent Frenzy from your local Warchanter. If you'd call a Waaagh! and had Violent Frenzy, 10 Bru...

Bonesplitterz: Killer Combos 2021

   Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh Let's all be honest. A talking head on the interwebs means nothing. Take everything below with more than a grain of salt. These are just some standout combos I saw and will be using in my games of AoS 3.0 with Bonesplitterz. I am not including any specific warclan in these examples. These opinions were formed from the leaks and may change with the upcoming FAQ and official release of the 2021 Orruk Warclans book. Savage Big Boss w/Great Hunter & Glowing Tattoos The humble Savage Big Boss hasn't really changed for the better in the 2021 Orruk Warclans book. He lost his use command ability to give exploding hits to a friendly Bonesplitterz unit that use melee weapons. Well, now that's a Bonesplitterz trait and command abilities went the way of the Squats. For 65 pts, yes that's right, down from 110 pts. You get a foot slogging hero wearing a loincloth as armor. But! Yes I hear you. His butt is beautiful and plump, you thirsty boyz! But ...

Bonesplitterz: Good & Bad 2021

  Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh I love my Bonesplitterz. I really do, they embody what orruks are and what they should be, at least in my mind. But seeing all the SALT online right now about Bonesplitterz really grinds my gears. So here are 3 good things and 3 not-so-good things that I can give you straight. This comes from a competitive Bonesplitterz player but admittingly I haven't seen the tables recently since the birth of my second son. So lets get going.  Note: The numbers are from AoS Statshammer found at and GOOD: Icebone Warclan - The Icebone Warclan got a major buff in the new 2021 Orruk Warclans battletome. No longer will the melee weapon get -1 Rend on a wound roll of a 6, but instead deals 1 Mortal Wound and the attack sequence ends. This is fantastic! In my mind this is the actual replacement for Berserk Strength from the previous...