Kruleboyz: Killer Combo 2021
Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh
Oh I do love some good old fashioned Hero-hammer. Nothing like taking your tabletop avatar and smashing it into your opponent's avatar and seeing the epic struggle commence. It reminds me of my childhood... and my adulthood of watching Dragonball Z and watching those epic fights on the edge of my seat. Ahhhh... good times. Let's skip the obvious Sludgeraker Beast + Swampcalla Shaman and get into something janky.
"Da Choppy-Boy"
Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof
Mount Trait: Fast Un
Command Trait: Battle Lust
Artefact: Vial of Manticore Venom
A 170 point investment on a non-flying assassin. Put Fast Un mount trait on the naked mole-rat, take the Battle Lust command ability and the Vial of Manticore Venom. With that you can Move 20" in the first movement phase and then charge a missile unit or a support unit, making it almost a certainty with the re-roll that you made the charge for the +1 to hit on the Gnashtoof's fangs due to the Savage Hound ability. You'll average about 7.3 damage onto a 4+ Hero and 8.6 damage on a 5+ Save support Hero, that's enough to take out a Slaughtermaster. Hopefully with the 3+ save and 10 wounds, you'll survive the return hits. If not, you might have completed Vendetta in the first turn.
Alternatively you could drop the Vial of Manticore Venom and Battle Lust for Skilled Leader and the Amulet of Destiny. That gives Da Choppy-Boy more utility and more durability for only 170 pts.
Killaboss on foot
Command Trait: Skilled Leader
Artefact: Arcane Tome
If you have blocks of boyz and you need to buff 'em and don't just want tot take Swampcalla Shaman, you take Da Buffer Boss. His main job is to stay between two blocks of Gutrippaz to give out his All Part of Da Plan aura to reduce the liability of Battleshock and throw Mystic Shield onto a unit of Gutrippaz, giving them the good ol' 4+ Save, and lastly to farm some easy Command Points from Skilled Leader. All of that on a budget, yet sturdy body for only 110 pts.
"King uv Clubz"
Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth
Command Trait: Master of Magic
Artefact: Arcane Tome
Mount Trait: Fast Un
This is a pretty easy to get a lot of bang out of 180 points. The Mirebrute Troggoth is super efficient at throwing wounds out. On average causing 7.8 damage to a 4+ Save unit, if you belt the Troggoth that goes to 12.2 damage. With a good roll on the Breaka-harness nets you 6 extra attacks on the Iron-bound Clubs for a total of 10 attacks. If the Breaka-boss was able to cast Flaming Weapon on the Iron-bound Clubs using the universal artefact Arcane Tome the damage on those attacks goes to 4. Master of Magic lets you reroll the casting roll on the Flaming Weapon or Mystic Shield that the Breaka-Boss might cast almost ensuring that the Orruk/Troggoth team is clobbering at peak performance. With the Breaka-Harness, Flaming Weapon and oh let's say All Out Attack you're looking at dealing 22.4 damage. 22.4 damage to a 4+ Save unit. All for the low-low price of 180 pts.
Stats referenced in this article were found using AoS Statshammer at
Dice probability calculator provided by
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